THE GAMBLER - film / by Cut to the chase

Imagine a friend is a gambling addict and you have to watch them dig themselves deeper and deeper into debt and crisis, making bad decision after bad decision. That would be pretty awful to watch, wouldn't it?

Welcome to The Gambler.

Mark Wahlberg is our gambler and I never really became invested in him and his plight, nor the mediocre mini love story in this.

All in all, it was just pretty *meh* and definitely not worth laying down a lobster (and then some) to see at the cinema.

The one thing I did enjoy though is John Goodman as one of the blokes owed money. I'd forgotten how great that guy is. 

(Side note: thumbs down to any film maker who makes Mark Wahlberg look as unattractive as he does in this.)

Trailer here.