Reese Witherspoon takes the lead in this film based on a true story - Cheryl Strayed's account of her 1770 kilometer trek through American desert in 1995.
We jump from now, when she's actually trekking, to moments in the past that explain why she came to be on such a significant journey. Much of it goes back to the death of her 45 year old mother played by Laura Dern and where her grief takes her. (Hint - it ain't pretty.)
Witherspoon is nominated for the Best Actress Oscar for this film which speaks volumes. This is a huge role (she's in almost every scene) that really carries the entire film and she is excellent in it.
At first as we watched this young woman, so inadequately prepared for such a huge physical challenge, walking through the desert I was taken back to the Australian film Tracks in which Mia Wasikowska plays a woman trekking through the desert with a camel. Despite the critical acclaim I found that film a giant snooze fest so I was worried this would follow in a similar vein but there's plenty of action outside of the desert challenges to keep this one interesting.
This positive review in the LA Times captures it nicely, if you're keen to read more.
Trailer here.