BIRDMAN - film / by Cut to the chase

As with many films out at this time of year, Birdman is nominated for a bunch of Oscars which is of course a sign of good quality. 

(You know a film distribution company thinks they have a hit on their hands when a film like this, which is an arthousey one, is on at Hoyts Greensborough. Greensborough! The only thing stranger than that programming decision is the fact that there was four other people in the cinema in my session!)

But I'll be honest. I didn't love it.

I get why the critics love it (eg this gushing review in Variety) and I agree that the performances in it are amazing. Michael Keaton is brilliant in the lead role and Emma Stone playing his daughter also impresses. Zach Galifianakis, Naomi Watts and Ed Norton - all excellent.

I think the people who will enjoy this are people who don't just dig mainstream, people who like their films to make them think a little. If you like your movies pretty mainstream and you're just at the movies for some mindless entertainment in a rare two hour break from the kids, I think you could be disappointed by this.

Birdman is anything but mindless. It's about an actor Riggan Thomas (Keaton) who is trying to reinvigorate his career after playing iconic superhero 'Birdman' in a series of films many years ago. He's doing that by staging his own adaptation of a Raymond Carver short story 'What We Talk About When We Talk About Love' - directing and starring, no less.

If I could watch any of the 'Best Picture' Oscar nominated films again, I'd watch Whiplash and The Imitation Game again before this.

Give this Fairfax 5 star review a read if you're thinking about seeing it I reckon. It'll give you a helpful idea of the story before going in.

Trailer here. Now showing.