THE IMITATION GAME - film / by Cut to the chase

Loved this!

It's based on a true story about Alan Turing (played to perfection by the brilliant Benedict Cumberbatch), a mathematician who invented the first ever 'computer' during WWII to crack the Nazi's naval code to help win the war.

Keira Knightley is also in this (playing one of the other cryptologists working with Turing, the only female) and despite my general ambivalence towards her, she keeps being great in great movies like this one so I'm slowly coming around on her!

The story delicately navigates the issues of Turing's personal life too - he was gay which was, at that time, illegal.

Lots of films skew to a particular group - women will like XYZ film more than men, young people will like XYZ film more than older people, but this is universally likeable to my mind. I really can't think of a group who wouldn't enjoy it. (Ummm, maybe young bogans who find films like 'Fat Pizza' funny, but they're not likely to be reading this totes high brow blog, ok?!) 

There's a bit of Oscar buzz around this film. I'd love to see Cumberbatch get a gong for it, he really is fabulous in this.

For more on the film, try this 'B+' review in US magazine Entertainment Weekly

It opens in cinemas on 1 January. Trailer here.