TAMMY - film / by Cut to the chase


I'd read some ordinary reviews of this new comedy written by and starring Melissa McCarthy. Sadly I concur. I mean, it's not terrible, but to my mind it's not worth $20 of your hard-earned.

There was a handful of laughs for this slapstick-lover but with just 10 other people in a really big cinema, there really wasn't a good atmosphere for comedy. (Speaking of the others in the cinema, an adult woman had a young child with her of maybe eight or nine years. What a kncklehead - with an M rating, this is not a film for kids!)

Melissa plays a woman who is a bit of a no-hoper who gets fired from her job at a burger joint and ends on up a road trip with her grandmother, played by Susan Sarandon. A bit of a journey to 'find themselves' and what they want in life along the way but it doesn't really fire for me.

In one of the world's weirdest casting choices, Allison Janney plays the mother of Melissa's character. I was looking at the two of them thinking, they look the same age! I googled their DOBs and Allison is just 11 years older than Melissa so I felt vindicated. Dumb choice.

In the interests of fairness, here is a 3.5 star review from Fairfax press but there's also this 1.5 star review from Leigh Paatsch in the Herald Sun.

Trailer here.