THE BOXTROLLS - film / by Cut to the chase

I took my 11 and nine year old nieces to see this animated kids' film figuring that as the target market, what they think of it is more important than what I think of it.

It's based on a children's book called Here Be Monsters! and the Boxtrolls themselves are, well, trolls who wear boxes. Yeah, it's a bit odd but I guess similar to Shrek in that regard.

To summarize, they both said (after being urged to be honest) they liked it and both said they found it funny. Miss nine gave special mention to the guy who dressed up and sang like a woman for bringing the lolz. From what I observed, for both my nieces and every other kid in the cinema, the funniest part was actually when someone plummeted to the ground and face-planted. Kids do love their slapstick humor!

From my adult-watching-kids-film perspective, I thought it was perfectly pleasant but not likely to take off like, say, Frozen or Toy Story did.

This 3.5 star review in the Daily Telegraph will give you a bit more on the plot etc.

Trailer here.

Opens this Thursday 18 September.