THE LUNCHBOX - film / by Cut to the chase

"A mistaken delivery in Mumbai's famously efficient lunchbox delivery system connects a young housewife to an older man."

This got four stars from both Judith and Jason on At The Movies (filling in for Mum and Dad... I mean, Margaret and David) so I had pretty high hopes for this film and it didn't disappoint. It's poignant, subtle and funny. My one criticism would be that it felt long - longer than it was at a reasonable 101 minutes. There was a few sneaky peeks at my watch which is a sign things are moving slowly for me.

It's a more arthousey kind of flick (Indian) than mainstream, with some of it subtitled. If that's not your thing, you probably won't love this but if you like more contemplative kind of stuff, go for it.

More on the lovely and unusual storyline in the At The Movies review here and trailer here.