BEGIN AGAIN - film / by Cut to the chase

I thought this movie was delightful. A feel good film that I would happily recommend to a pretty broad range of people. 

Keira Knightley plays the lead female and I'm not much of a fan of hers so it's testament to what a lovely film this is that I could get past that. And she even sings in it! And can actually sing! Adam Levine from band Maroon 5 is also in it (they both play singer/songwriters) so together, it's a really great soundtrack too. It probably also helps that it also stars Mark Ruffalo and James Corden - love them both!

Though not groundbreaking cinema, it's a damn nice way to spend 105 minutes! And special shout out to the Sun Theatre in Yarraville where I saw this one, a beautiful old cinema I haven't been to in about ten years. If I lived closer, I'd be there all the time.

For more on the story and a great four star review, check out this piece from The Guardian.