THE TRIP TO ITALY - film / by Cut to the chase

I thought this film was delightful but the reality is that it's not for everyone.

It's a follow up to 'The Trip' which was both a film and TV series. If you liked one of those, you'll enjoy this.

Rob Brydon (who I love) and Steve Coogan play versions of themselves and in this turn they're travelling through Italy eating amazing meals and visiting important sites from the lives of poets Byron and Shelley.

It's an unusual concept which I think many would probably just not particularly enjoy even though there's little you could really object to.

Here's a good review of the film from the Sydney Morning Herald with a trailer.

If you get to the movies pretty regularly and like things a little less mainstream, then check this one out. If you don't get the chance to see one very often and you like your flicks pretty middle-of-the-road then this probably isn't for you.