THE FAULT IN OUR STARS - film / by Cut to the chase

This film is based on a young adult novel of the same name by John Green and you know what, this old "young adult" bloody loved it!

It's not perfect, artful cinema but it's a beautiful execution of a heart-breaking story. We know from the outset that there will be heartbreak on the horizon, after all, leading lady Hazel has a terminal illness, but it breaks you in a way that I for one never expected. 

You connect with the main characters Hazel and Gus straight away and you get swept away in their ultimately tragic young love story.

WARNING: You will cry and cry and cry. It takes a while for the weepy stuff to get started but by gee, when you get going you will wish you had a lot more tissues in your pockets than you probably do. Don't say you weren't warned.

So if you're up for a big ol' cry courtesy of a sweet heartbreaking love story, get thee to a screening of The Fault in Our Stars.

More on the story of the film in this review in The Age which I reckon is on the money.