Luke McGregor in 'I worry that I worry too much' - MICF show / by Cut to the chase

I loved this. Every awkward, unprepared, hilarious moment of it. And it was unprepared - he referred to notes many times and it seemed a bit all over the place! But this is what happens when you're so nerdish and lovable... people can see past it or forgive you for it.
For those unfamiliar with Luke, he has OCD and comes across as very awkward and nervous. As I observed when I saw him for the first time last year, somehow it just works.
Go and see this guy. His star is on the rise!

PS. The one complaint I do have about this show was that the room he was in was so cramped it was utterly ridiculous and it was so hot in there I really thought someone might pass out. I have since read on Twitter that he's moved to a bigger venue - thank goodness.