TRACKS - film / by Cut to the chase

If I told you this is a film that chronicles a woman walking 2700 kilometres across the Australian desert, what would you say?

"That sounds really boring, Steph!"?

Ding ding ding! You are correct.

There are some redeeming features in the film, including beautiful cinematography capturing the Australian outback, but it's simply not enough to drag this into 'you should go and see' territory. I'd barely recommend it for a DVD viewing to be frank.

It stars Mia Wasikowska, who is an undeniably talented actress and Adam Driver who will be recognised by fans of the US TV show 'Girls' for his portrayal of Adam. But when it comes to casting, special mention must go to whoever cast an Australian actor to play an Afghani person. What an unbelievably weird choice.

The lesson? That someone can do something remarkable and it not be worthy of a 110 minute film.

Here's a 2.5 star review from the Sydney Morning Herald if you want to know more about the storyline and what their critic Jake Wilson made of it.

Trailer here.