DALLAS BUYERS CLUB - film / by Cut to the chase

When I saw this, I didn't realise it was 'inspired by real events'. In fact, the only reason I rushed to see it on the preview weekend before general release is that I saw the trailer for it one solitary time and thought, 'that looks fantastic'. So there I was and so it was. 

I've mentioned in a previous blog post that I've not been much of a Matthew McConaughey fan but as the lead in this, he's just superb. I'm definitely a fan now! This article about Matthew and this film rang true when it mentioned some of his early stuff such as 'How to lose a guy in 10 days'. God, I hated that movie and I think it set me on a path to unfairly hating him.

In this he plays a Texan womanising electrician Ron Woodroof who is diagnosed with HIV in 1985 when treatments were nowhere near as advanced as they are now. He's given a very grim diagnosis but sets about researching and tracking down treatments, regardless of whether they're approved and where they come from. It's such a compelling story, you get totally hooked on him and what will become of him.

Jared Leto was a great choice to play transgender Rayon who becomes Ron's business partner - he's excellent in this too.

Matthew McConaughey won the Golden Globe for best actor in a dramatic motion picture a few weeks back and is nominated for best actor at the Oscars also. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he took the double, he's brilliant in this.

Read this five star review in the UK Daily Mail if you need further convincing or want a little more background to the story and film.

Trailer here.