HER - film / by Cut to the chase

This film is hard to explain. The wikipedia entry for 'Her' opens: "Her is a 2013 American science fiction romantic comedy-drama". Confused? Hmmm. Indeed.

It stars Joanquin Phoenix in the lead as the guy at the centre of the romance. With a computer operating system. Yep, you read right.

At first I was loving the film. In a world of films that are all pretty same-same, this film is really different and just sings its difference from the rooftop. It's a story unlike any other, as the Wikipedia sentence makes clear. It asks a lot of questions, without actually asking them, about the nature of relationships, loneliness and more.

At just over two hours, it actually feels a lot longer which isn't a good sign considering it started so well. I enjoyed this but it did test my patience a bit the longer it went on. The friend who I saw it with hated it, thought it was just too silly to take. You do need to open-minded and just go with it if you're going to enjoy it.

It's nominated in the 'Best Picture' category at the Oscars this year and I'm glad it is. It's great to see something a bit unusual included. But would I recommend you rush out and see it? Well, frankly, it's not for everyone. Maybe one to save for DVD on a rainy night. Some will love, others will hate and with the cost of an outing to the movies what it is, it's probably a bit of a risk for the average punter. Especially when there's so many crowd-pleasers out at the moment.

If you want to read more about the storyline, background to the film, the cast etc, read the Wikipedia entry for yourself here...

Trailer here.