PHILOMENA / by Cut to the chase

Loved this film. One of my favourites for the year I reckon.

Based on a true story, it follows a woman's (Philmomena, played spectacularly by Judy Dench) quest to find the child that was taken from her when she gave birth out of wedlock in Ireland in the early 1950s.

'Taken' is perhaps not the right word - it's much more complex than that and this film explores it all with the help of a journalist who's been commissioned by a newspaper to publish her story, played by Steve Coogan.

I've never been much of a fan of Coogan but this has changed that. He's brilliant in it.

Some parts are heart-breaking but there's funny and poignant moments too. I, and everyone else in the cinema it seemed, laughed and cried.

Go and see this, it's fabulous!

Here's a four star review from the Sydney Morning Herald with some interesting details about the background to Philomena's story and the film itself. "It's an immensely moving film, because of her capacity for forgiveness" the critic says, of Philomena. And boy, he's right.

Trailer here.