AMERICAN HUSTLE - film / by Cut to the chase

I nodded my head knowingly when reading this review of American Hustle, in particular the line "How to best describe the irrepressibly convoluted plot? That takes some doing (as well). Let's go with Argo meets GoodFellas meets The Sting, with all three getting on like a house on fire." ... True that it's a hard one to explain but there's no need to label it, all you need to know is that it's excellent and you should definitely go and see it!

Fantastic cast and Christian Bale in particular impressed me. He is brilliant in this and has been nominated for a Golden Globe for his trouble. It also stars Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner and Bradley Cooper who are all excellent also. There is one rather alarming scene where Cooper has his hair in teeny tight rollers, briefly making him less worthy of the 'hubba hubba' label I'd usually attach to him but hey, the man takes his craft seriously.

Only downer for me would be the length - at 129 minutes, it's longer than I usually like my flicks.

However, five stars from the New York Times, 4.5 stars from both Margaret and David (I love it when mum & dad see eye to eye!)and 4 stars from The Telegraph UK makes a compelling case. If you need more, it's from the same director behind Silver Linings Playbook and The Fighter, two great films. You know what to do, folks.

Trailer here.