THE COMPANY YOU KEEP - film / by Cut to the chase

Went into this one knowing nothing at all about the film. (Hello, last minute freebie!)

It started out well and I was really enjoying it but it did start to drag and by the end it felt like it had gone for four hours! (It actually went for two.)

Robert Redford is the leading man in the film and while he's undeniably an excellent actor, it's absurd to me that he was cast, at the age of 77, as the father of an 11 year old girl. It just didn't work. But guess who the director of the film is, the person who made this silly choice?... Robert Redford. Yes, the man couldn't help but give himself the lead role. 

That aside, this is an interesting thriller of sorts with all sorts of underlying mysteries playing out as it goes along. (Plot summary here.) Susan Sarandon and Brendan Gleeson are great in the film which also stars Shia LaBoeuf (or Shia The Beef as I prefer to call him) and Nick Nolte whose voice is as weird as ever.

Margaret and David from The Movie Show both gave this four stars (it's always nice when mum and dad don't fight) but it wasn't quite up there for me, more like three or three and a half.

If you are lucky to be a regular cinema-goer, check this one out but if it's a rare outing, I can recommend better flicks for your night out.

Trailer here.