THE IMPOSSIBLE - film / by Cut to the chase

This film is really well done. It's based on a true story about a family holidaying in Thailand in 2004 when the now infamous tsunami struck. Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor play parents of three sons and all the performances are great but Naomi's is a standout as the central character. The five of them, along with so many others, are literally swept away when the front of water storms toward their resort with no warning whatsoever. I won't spoil it by telling you who ends up where and in what state but it gives an amazing insight into what people really experienced in that natural disaster that seems like it happened only yesterday. I'm sure some creative licence has been taken but nonetheless, it's an incredible story.

The film was so compelling that I was totally engrossed and were I not fairly lazy, I'm sure I would have been on the edge of my seat. I enjoyed this film and think it's very good, but to be frank, not off-the-dial, 5 stars kind of good.