KATH & KIMDERELLA - film / by Cut to the chase

I’m a big fan of the TV show that this is based on, Kath & Kim, but I went into the film with pretty low expectations because, amongst other things, the last time they went feature-length we got ‘Da Kath & Kim Code’ which was a big ol’ let-down.

The first, probably 20-30 minutes or so, was actually pretty good! They were setting up the story, which involved Kath, Kim & Sharon going to Italy, back in Fountain Lakes. There were loads of laughs, even if some of the jokes were things that fans of the show would have heard before.

The trouble started really once the ladies hit Italy because that’s when the weak story really started to unfold. The laughs subsided pretty quickly and by the time we got to the cameo by Dame Edna, well, the 25 or so people in the cinema mostly just looked at each other or the screen pretty baffled. It was the ‘jump the shark’ moment we’d all feared.

All that said, for Kath & Kim fans, it’s still worth a look I reckon. There’s laughs there and it’s still good fun to see what all our old mates, including Prue & Trude, are up to. If you don’t catch it at the cinemas (just how long it will remain in them will be very interesting as it did very well on opening day) do catch it on DVD. I can’t imagine you’d be considering it if you’re not a fan, but if you are, give it a miss. Baffled wouldn’t even begin to cover it.