NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN - film / by Cut to the chase

Thank you Twitter, for connecting me to the film Not Suitable For Children. I follow Michael Lucas who wrote the screen play for this ace film and who is also part of the team behind two of my favourite TV shows, Offspring and Tangle.

The film is just what you’d expect if you’ve seen those shows – believable, watchable, fun and with a great cast to carry the nicely crafted dialogue.

I reckon it’s an excellent sign when you aren’t inclined to look at your watch during a film and the time never even crossed my mind in this one.

I was surprised how much I loved the lead actor in the film, Ryan Kwanten, given he’s been on Home and Away, something I’ve historically not been able to get past. (Think Indiana Evans as Tatum in the ABC TV drama ‘Crownies’… Actually, don’t.) However, he’s just lovely in this role, understated but charming to watch.

Kwanten’s character is diagnosed with cancer and told he won’t be able to have children after his surgery to treat it. We then follow him for about three weeks until the operation in which he realises he wants kids and tries to find a way to make it happen. As you’d imagine, there’s some complex issues and relationships that emerge that are all a pleasure to watch. Thought-provoking but fun and gently delivered.

Sarah Snook is also excellent in this film as the flat mate of Kwanten’s character. I’ve read comparisons to Emma Stone and there’s certainly a resemblance that goes beyond the red hair. To borrow a line from Molly Meldrum, Dicky Wilkins and just about every other person who’s watched and then talked about a film, I think we’ll be seeing a lot more of her!

I was one of just four people in the cinema when I saw this on opening day which made me really sad. I desperately hope that it gets some Red Dog-esque word of mouth and the cinemas fill in the coming weeks because this is an absolute cracker. Go see it!