ANY QUESTIONS FOR BEN? – film / by Cut to the chase

As I do with any Australian film, I walked into ‘Any questions for Ben?’ wanting to love it.
I wasn’t disappointed.
The central character Ben (Josh Lawson) leads a life that in some respects is hard to relate to. Glamorous parties , dating a famous sportsperson, sleeping around; it’s not a life I know or aspire to.  But as Ben’s dissatisfaction with that life grew, so too did my affection for him.
 Whatever you think of Ben, he’s surrounded by loveable characters who help carry the story with ease - David James as Malcolm, Daniel Henshall as Nick, Felicity Ward as Emily and Rob Carlton as Ben’s dad were my favourites.
Just about every review I’ve read has rightly acknowledged that the film is like a beautiful moving postcard from Melbourne. One of the surprises for this Melburnian viewer was seeing Chantelle Raleigh (Fleur), who grew up down the road from me in a small suburb in outer Melbourne. Wattle Glen girl made good!
In keeping with my ‘cut to the chase’ reviewing mantra, I’ll close with this... This is a great film that I recommend you go and see. Not because of some lame ‘Australians should support Australian films’ obligation that you often hear thrown about, but because you’ll enjoy watching it. 'Any questions for Ben?' is a lovely story matched by excellent performances and a fabulous soundtrack that almost steals the show.