THE DESCENDANTS – film / by Cut to the chase

One of my gripes about film reviews these days is that often they do little more than tell you the plot of the film. I don’t want to know the plot. I want to know if it’s any good, if I should go and see it.

So here’s my take on The Descendants… You should go and see it.  

This film deserves the buzz it’s generating, it’s such a great story and so well told. Unless emo 15 year olds have taken to reading my blog (they are totes welcome), I can’t imagine a reader who won’t enjoy it. Clooney gives an awards-season-fantastic performance and just in case you needed reminding, is a total dreamboat. There was a few times when I was getting very weepy (yes, take tissues) and I kept thinking to myself ‘focus on how hot George is, focus on how hot George is…’. That silver fox’s foxiness is a great distraction, for what it’s worth.

Though the story does require tissues from time to time, there’s a character in the mix who happily lightens the mood. At first I wasn’t wild about Sid because he seemed to be in the film for that purpose alone but as it progresses we do find out there’s a bit more going on upstairs than we thought.

For the comb over spotters, keep an eye out early on for a crackerjack one that’s more ‘comb up and over’ than over alone.

PS. Would an emo kid say “totes”? I have no idea.