I Feel Pretty is an American comedy starring Amy Schumer, who has a large and loyal following I count myself among, for not only her comedy but her brash, feminist, devil-may-care attitude to the world.
As a fan, I desperately wanted this film to be great. So is it?
Sadly, it is not.
Schumer plays Renee Bennett, a young woman with dreams of what she perceives as the success and happiness that comes with being "undeniably pretty". And for some, there's the rub. Is Amy Schumer not pretty as she is? What even is 'pretty'? Who decides what and who is pretty? You get the idea. For a comedy, this film actually opens Pandora's Box to some pretty complex stuff that it simply can't manage in a 110 minute film with rom-com brains behind it.
Unfairly short version of the plot... Renee feels bad about herself and lacks confidence. Renee hollers to the universe that she wants to be "undeniably pretty". Renee falls over, hits her head and suddenly believes she looks pretty. Renee lives life with confidence in the extreme and reaps the rewards - new job at a fancy cosmetics company and new boyfriend chief among them. Renee realises pretty people have problems too. Renee takes it too far and loses valued relationships. Renee falls over again, hits her head and goes back to seeing her real self. Renee learns that she has to love herself as she is. Of course a silly plot is forgivable if it's entertaining and/or funny. Alas...
I could probably forgive the unsuccessful attempt to turn this film into a "love your body" call-to-action if this film were really funny but it just isn't. I laughed a few times but nowhere as much as you would hope for from a film starring someone with the comedic reputation of Amy Schumer. I saw it in a cinema with about 40 people and there was a smattering of laughs but overall it just seemed to fall flat in the room time and time again.
The supporting cast bring some joy. Michelle Williams plays the boss of the cosmetics company in a strange, high pitched voice kinda way that's pretty amusing. Renee's besties are played by Busy Philipps and Saturday Night Live comic Aidy Bryant, whose talents are really wasted in this.
To be fair, I Feel Pretty is not terrible but if that's the best you can say of a film, it's not exactly a ringing endorsement. Maybe when it pops up on telly...? But for me, not worth $20+ at the cinema, sadly.
Fairfax critic Jake Wilson gave it three stars which I reckon is a bit too generous. The Guardian gave it two stars which is probably what I'd give it if I did that sort of thing. And last but not least, News Ltd critic Leigh Paatsch's review is currently behind a paywall but the preview says "I Feel Pretty is the third film to star Amy Schumer in her short career so far. She may not have too many left in her if she keeps pushin' duds like this"... OH DEAR.
I Feel Pretty is rated M and in cinemas now. Trailer here.