NEXT GOAL WINS - film / by Stephanie Puls

Next Goal Wins, directed by Taika Waititi, is based on the true story of the American Samoa soccer team, who suffered the worst loss in soccer World Cup history in 2001, losing to Australia 31-0. With the 2014 World Cup approaching, the team recruits coach Thomas Rongen (Michael Fassbender) to help turn their fate around. There’s a reason Rongen is available for this gig that’s … unusual… for a professional coach. He’s got some demons in his past.

A transgender player in the team helps give the film some heart and complexity. This aspect of it is done well, I think.

This film is very, very funny. It’s not perfect but if you want a good laugh, it’s perfect. And it’s a PROVEN FACT that gags delivered with a New Zealand accent are 10% funnier so there’s a good bonus for you.

Next Goal Wins is rated PG, runs 104 minutes and is in cinemas now.