LADY BIRD - film / by Stephanie Puls



Gosh I loved this film. For quite a while following its US release, Lady Bird was "the best reviewed movie of all time" on Rotten Tomatoes, a film review aggregate website. Meaning no other film ever had received more universally positive reviews... high praise indeed! It also recently won Best Picture (musical or comedy) at the Golden Globes. No pressure!

Lady Bird is a 'coming of age' story about teenager Christine McPherson (Saoirse Ronan - winner of Best Actress (musical or comedy) at the Golden Globes for this performance), who is determined to be known by the nickname Lady Bird as she's becoming an adult and navigating the crap that comes with it.

Amongst other things, the film explores the complex relationship she has with her anxious mother Marion (Laurie Metcalf) and when they're together on screen, the dynamic between them is wonderful and coveys one of those relationships where the love runs deep but there's plenty of hate in there too. Their chemistry is great but even better, I reckon, is the chemistry between Lady Bird and her on and off bestie Julie, played spectacularly by Beanie Feldstein. Truly, their relationship is such a pleasure to watch and you come to realise that as boyfriends come and go (and they do in this), Julie is in it for the long haul 'cause she's just a great chick.

Lady Bird is at school, dreaming of going to a fancy college when she graduates. It seems pretty clear that's a pipe dream and her grades, let alone finances, won't quite get her there. But she dreams through the highs and lows of adolescence nonetheless.

This film is funny, real, sad and poignant. Highly recommend! Here's a four star review in The Washington Post if you want to read more.

Trailer here. In cinemas 15 February 2018.