DARKEST HOUR - film / by Stephanie Puls

Darkest Hour.jpg

Darkest Hour is a drama based on real events in the early days of World War II, when new British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was in the unenviable position of having to choose whether to negotiate with Hitler, with the threat of invasion imminent.

Now, if you paid attention in history class at school, I'm sure you're across all the finer details of this time but since I was too busy in history class laughing at how my teacher Mrs Kenny pronounced 'millions', I must confess some of the finer details presented in this film were, shall we say, a tad fresh to me*. 

Gary Oldman undergoes an incredible transformation to play Churchill and gives an almighty performance, which has already been touted as award-winning as we approach the Golden Globes and Oscars.


Darkest Hour is getting great reviews (eg four stars from The Guardian) and whilst I can see why, I confess I watched this film thinking, I know I *should* like this but I'm actually a bit bored. There. I said it.

That said, I must give a special shout out to Aussie actor Ben Mendelsohn who plays the King in this. I'm such a fan of Mendo and he's terrific in this.

So here's the thing. If you like a rousing drama and/or a bit of history then sure, I suspect you'll probably love this. But if you're a bit of a bogan like me, I reckon you might be a little bored too.

Trailer here. In cinemas 11 January 2018.

*Pay attention in school, kids.