HOME AGAIN - film / by Stephanie Puls


If this rom com starring Reese Witherspoon were any lighter it would've flown up into the sky like a helium balloon let go by a child at a town fair. Seriously, it's terrible.

Reese plays Alice Kinney, a newly single mother of two who has moved from New York back to her home town of Los Angeles and sets up house in the old home of her deceased father who was a big time film director. Alice's mum is played by Candice Bergen and her small role is the highlight of this film. The bar is low.

In a deeply implausible turn of events, three young film makers trying to make it in the biz in LA wind up moving in with Alice and the kids and, quelle suprise, she hooks up with one of them. Ex-husband moves from NY to LA and wants to get back together! I KNOW, RIGHT?!

I had googled to check the running time before the film started and something indicated 2 hours so I was very pleasantly surprised when it was only about 95. A moment when one of the young kids is clearly wearing conspicuous fake eyelashes really tipped me to the edge, for what it's worth.

I think this two star review in News Ltd is pretty accurate. This three star review in The Guardian calls it "silly but satisfying" which I think is a generous interpretation but I present it in the interests of fairness.

In cinemas Thursday 19 October. Trailer here.