ZOOLANDER 2 - film / by Stephanie Puls

Confession time... I haven't seen the first Zoolander film.

It's popular enough though that I get the general gist so I guess I wasn't going into this completely blind.

And you know what? I really enjoyed this. It's silly, mindless, funny fun. I laughed a lot, in that way you can when something is not requiring you to think at all, just lighten up and have a good laugh.

You don't need to know the storyline. It's dumb. But if you know you're a Zoolander kinda person, then you know this is for you.

It's not getting great reviews, more middle-of-the-road three stars type of stuff, but I just think that if all you want is to completely switch off and laugh for a couple of hours, go for it.

This three star review in The Guardian makes some fair points but this is not a movie that high brow critics will enjoy. It knows who it's audience is and gives them what they want.