SPOILER ALERT - film / by Stephanie Puls

No that’s what the film is called, it’s not me sign-posting that I’m going to spoil something!

Spoiler alert is a drama starring Sally Field … that’s basically all I knew when I walked into the cinema right as it was starting. HOOOOO BOY I was not prepared for what happens next.


It opens with the aforementioned spoiler alert - someone’s gonna die. As the film started to unfold as a love story I though to myself, ‘if this movie is just two people falling in love and then one of them dying I’m gonna be real cranky*’ … and so it was.

So if you need a big ol’ weep to get some stuff of your chest, this is perfect for you. However if you’re remotely fragile you must avoid this like the plague. (Or covid maybe - is that how that saying goes now?)

Here’s a proper review (three stars - fair, I reckon) if you want to read more about the film, which is based on a best-selling novel of the same name.

Spoiler alert open on 9 February in Australia, is rated M, and runs 112 minutes.

*just because that’s an emotional rollercoaster I can live without at the end of a long day!