The latest installment in the Terminator series of films (number 5) is what I imagine the previous installments are. That's right, I haven't seen them. Well, I think I might have seen Terminator 2, or at least some of it... if you're getting the impression this isn't exactly my genre, you'd be right.
So here's what I reckon.
I was pretty confused by this film. I wonder if it would have helped to see the previous installments but I can't be sure. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would but I thought I wouldn't at all so the bar couldn't have been any lower really.
Arnie features but as someone who's more into politics than Terminator movies, I found it very hard to process him as something other than a Governor. At a stretch, I can just picture him as a kindergarten teacher (or 'cop', if you like) saying "It's not a tumor".
I think if you've enjoyed the previous Terminator flicks you should consider seeing this. I'm not saying you'll enjoy it, I'm just saying you're the only hope this film has. I think if you haven't seen them or didn't enjoy them you should definitely give it a miss.
If you're considering it and want to know more, check out this one star review in The Guardian and this three star review in Rolling Stone magazine. (Three stars is as good as it gets, as far as I can tell.)
Trailer here.